Get involved
At the world's largest student nation, there is always room for new experiences and opportunities to gain unique experiences while having great fun and making friends for life!

Work at the nation
Do you want to try something new and at the same time top up your student fund? Come by the nation and try cooking and baking at Majs Café, tend the bar at Orvars Krog or try a serving shift during one of our gasks. The possibilities and job opportunities are many!
The nation's Klubbverk hires staff for various events and they each have different areas that they are responsible for. Feel free to contact the nation's Klubbverk if you want more information.
Get involved
At the world's largest student nation, there is always room for commitment, new experiences and opportunities to gain unique experiences while having fantastic fun and making friends for life! Being active at Norrland's nation offers just that.
Norrlands has nine different committees and several different foremen. For more information about what the different offices entail, you can contact the first curator or read a detailed description under the pages functionaries and governing documents.

Norrlands has an incredibly rich social life and many of the most of the sixteen different societies have been around for many decades and some close to centuries!
Half are social societies in the form of fraternities and sororities, arranging dinners, parties and social events they focus their internal culture on specific parts of northern Sweden.
The other half are cultural in nature and consist of two choirs, three orchestras (on classical and two big band), one theater, one photography and one athletics society. As you can see the variety and possibilities are endless!
At the world's largest student nation, there is always room for commitment, new experiences and opportunities to gain unique experiences while having fantastic fun and making friends for life! Being active at Norrland's nation offers just that.
Norrlands has nine different committees and several different foremen. For more information about what the different offices entail, you can contact the first curator or read a detailed description under the pages functionaries and governing documents.